Patrician Brothers

The Patrician Brothers are a Catholic religious order of unordained men empowering people through education. The Society of the Brothers of St. Patrick (Patrician Brothers) was founded by Bishop Daniel Delany, in Ireland, on February 2nd 1808 and named after St. Patrick, the great apostle and patron saint of Ireland. At the time of Bishop Delany, Ireland was under The British Government. The Irish children were not allowed to go to school. Poverty and hunger had turned the country into a land of misery and lawlessness. Bishop Delany realized that the cause of much of the evil of the day, was the lack of education among the people. So he started Sunday Schools, for the catholic children..
To continue the mission on a larger scale and formal setting, he commissioned the pioneer Brothers to start regular schools. More young men started joining the Society and Brothers began opening schools all over Ireland. Education of youth became their mission. In 1875, the Brothers were invited to India, to start schools. Their first school in India was established in 1875 at Adayar , Chennai. Today the Brothers have many educational institutions - high schools, higher secondary schools and colleges in different parts of the world like Ireland, India, Australia, America, Papua New Guinea, Kenya & Ghana..